Specialising in Artisan Salts, Gourmet Rubs, Dry Dip Mixes, Dukkah, Meat Rubs, Low Certified Low FODMAP Products, Hampers, and Gifts

Our Products
At Pincha Salt, we all have one thing in common - FLAVOUR. That's why we are constantly adding to our Certified LOW FODMAP Product range of artisanal Flavoured Salt Blends, Gourmet Seasoned Rubs and delicious Dukkha made with Australian Seasoning. We are committed to helping the Certified Low FODMAP Product community get their flavour back and create products the WHOLE family can enjoy in meals together.
We strive to source locally first. From Australian Sea Salt to our native Australian botanicals, including superfoods like Lemon Myrtle and Kakadu Plum, Salt Bush, Wattle seed, and Native Pepper berry, to name just some. We try to source from all over Australia to make sure we cover the taste of Australia.
Some spices are only grown overseas, but we strive to stay as Australian-based as possible. Our 100% Saltbush comes from the outer Barossa Valley region of South Australia; perfect for those on Low Sodium or Certfied LOW FODMAP diets. Pepper berries and Truffles from Tasmania grow in pristine mountain air, said to be the cleanest air in the world. Lemon Myrtle from beautiful sunny Queensland. Kakadu plum from my NT "backyard".
Our Australian Sea Salt is solar evaporated from clean water from the Pacific Ocean. It is then carefully crushed and screened to size using a process of evaporation. This is done in large shallow ponds at salt fields in Price, South Australia and Bajool, Queensland, where natural evaporation greatly exceeds rainfall. The process uses clean energy and is chemical-free. There are no anti-cancer agents in our Australian Sea Salt. This can lead to clumping, and we believe this is a small price to pay for healthy living. Something a gentle hit with the back of a spoon will fix. Likewise, our seasonings and spices are Vegan and Gluten friendly - except for Diggers Dukkah, where we use some wheat as a stabiliser. Yup, there's one in every family!
So, if you're going to add a Pincha Salt, add one with flavour. Please ENJOY!
Our Story
Serendipity is the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. This is the way Pincha Salt was created. I certainly did not look like any Kitchen Goddess as perspiration plastered my hair to my head as we headed into another Northern Territory Monsoonal build-up. As much as we all love salads in the hot season, a family favourite is often called for, and this time, it was Spaghetti Bog for a quick, nutritious dinner.
I had some red wine sitting in a glass, which is integral to the recipe - that's my story, and I'm sticking to it - however, I did manage to knock it over into my lovely Australian Sea Salt, salt pig. I caught it with deftness and acrobatics, and no salt pigs were hurt in the process.
Taking advantage of the reasonably cool morning, I spread the marinated briny mix on a baking tray covered in muslin cloth, then waited for those solar rays to do their thing. Viola! Flavoured Salt. I ended up with a delicious-tasting salt to which I added extra herbs, traditional spices and Australian seasonings, as well as Pincha native botanicals. Imagine my surprise when "That's tasty! Where did you get that?" slipped from the lips of my hungry critics. That started me on a journey to create more delicious blends for you to enjoy.
Our Mission
The internal anchor that drives our business is to share an ethos of 'Everything in moderation and nothing to excess'. We do this for ourselves, for you, for the environment and for sustainability. We want you to be healthy yet still enjoy one of your major senses - TASTE.
Our flavoured Australian sea salt is made with Australian seasonings and spices, traditional seasonings and Australian native botanicals from across the country. Thus, we support other Australian businesses, keeping them local.
Our commitment to recycling and leaving a small footprint is very important to us. Our packaging reflects this. Our suppliers use environmentally friendly inks and biodegradable packets.
Our purchasing reflects this by supporting Aboriginal Bush Tucker suppliers and Australian growers from across the country. Our business helps others in business – a knock-on effect.
All this benefits us, you and Mother Nature. We intend to continue as we started and not lose sight of all these important attributes that make us a bit quirky and unique without compromising product quality.
We believe life can be enjoyed to the fullest, if one does everything in moderation and nothing to excess. Please ENJOY!