The Rainbow That Lost its Colours – Children’s picture books


The Rainbow That Lost its Colours is a children’s picture book that takes a journey through the wonderful colours in nature. It travels through sunshine, thunder, lightening, rain and the beauty of the rainbow spectrum. A cute little story to teach children that storms are inevitable but things calm down, just like situations in life. It opens up a conversation about frightful and uncertain times done with beautiful rhymes and vibrant colourful pictures. There are animals hiding on the pages waiting to be found.


The Rainbow That Lost Its Colours: A Magical Children’s Picture Book

Are you looking for a children’s picture book that combines a heartwarming story with lessons about nature? The Rainbow That Lost Its Colours is the perfect choice! This enchanting picture book will take young readers on a colorful adventure, teaching them not just the hues of the rainbow, but also the beautiful harmony of the natural world.

A Colourful Journey Through Nature

In The Rainbow That Lost Its Colours, children will embark on a vibrant journey. They’ll not only learn about the different shades of the rainbow but also about the connection between storm clouds, rain, thunder, and lightning. The story illustrates how nature is constantly in motion, creating a symphony of sounds and sights that captivate the senses.

Hidden Secrets in Every Page

Apart from the captivating storyline, this book offers a delightful interactive element. As children flip through the pages, they will be thrilled to find hidden animals camouflaged in the illustrations. This adds an extra layer of fun and excitement, keeping them engaged throughout the story.

The Tale of the Rainbow and the Envious Clouds

In the dreamtime, a beautiful rainbow would shine high in the sky every day, right alongside the bright yellow sun. Its radiant colours painted the land with green fields, blooming flowers, and animals of all kinds. Creatures—big and small—displayed the rainbow’s hues in their fur, fins, and feathers. From the lush green forests to the fiery red deserts, the animals proudly wore these vibrant colours, showcasing the rainbow’s gift to the world.

However, the plain white clouds grew envious of the rainbow’s beauty. Without colours of their own, they gathered their strength and conjured a mighty storm. Thunder clapped, lightning flashed, and the wind howled. The storm darkened the skies, chasing away the rainbow and the bright sun. The once vibrant world turned grey and dismal as the creatures hid from the ferocious weather.

Will the Rainbow Return?

As the storm passed and the clouds drifted away, the sun timidly peeked out from behind the remaining grumpy clouds. But the rainbow was nowhere to be seen. Will the rainbow return to restore colour to the world? Children will eagerly turn each page, excited to find out if the rainbow will fill the sky with its magical colours once more.

A Story That Teaches and Delights

This book is more than just a story about colours; it’s a lesson about nature’s ebb and flow. Children will learn how storms, rain, and sunshine all play a part in the beauty of the world around us. With its stunning illustrations and engaging narrative, The Rainbow That Lost Its Colours is a must-have addition to any child’s bookshelf.

Apart from creating delicious products, I also create heartwarming children’s picture books like The Rainbow That Lost Its Colours, making reading a magical experience for young minds.

Here is a link to my other children’s picture book…ens-picture-book/ ‎

If you’re visiting Katherine Northern Territory and need somewhere to take the kids in comfortable airconditioned surroundings whilst the car is being serviced or some such, take the kids to our library. You’ll find more children’s picture books, music and lots of fun. Check out the kids programs here:

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